I made a few changes to this blog. I updated the header and some things on the sidebar. Something else that I changed and am tempted to do on my personal blog and that is that I have disabled commenting. I got the idea from Emma Chapman and Elsie Larson of A Beautiful Mess. They recently started their own "everyday" blogs, but they have comments disabled. I just want to be able to post things on here without the hope for comments. It's a place for me to store the little things in life that people probably couldn't give two fucks about (pardon my language). This is my space and I'm going to try to be more active with it. I'm trying to push myself to accomplish more goals and one of them is to update this blog on a regular basis. This will probably be the most text you will see on here, but if you absolutely need to contact me, here are some options:
One last word from me-- Thank you so much for taking an interest in my little ol' blog. It's greatly appreciated. Seriously.