You've probably noticed I've been absent. I haven't abandoned my 365 completely, but I must admit that I've been a little depressed. I know I'm depressed when I can't even bring myself to pick up my camera or finish an Alice Munro book. I don't really count my phone as a whole lot, although I do love the mobile photodiary I keep. I love the weight and feel of my cameras in my hands and for a brief period, I didn't really pick her up a whole lot. I posted nothing last month, although I do have some things. My photo files are in such disarray that I couldn't bring myself to add to the chaos. So, I'm breaking my silence, breaking through the depths of depression with this post. I've been a little bit more physically active and taking in a lot of sunlight to combat these feelings. I'm hoping that with this posting, and some time to organize my files tomorrow, I'll feel better enough to create more images. Keep following along. Don't give up on me. And I'll try my hardest not to let you down.